Lactic acid is used in beverages, foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals as an acidifying agent and acidulant.
In topical formulations, particularly cosmetics, it is
used for its softening and conditioning effect on the skin. Lactic acid
may also be used in the production of biodegradable polymers and micro-
spheres, such as poly (D-lactic acid), used in drug delivery systems.
Lactic acid is also used as a food preservative.
Therapeutically, lactic acid is used in injections, in the form of
lactate, as a source of bicarbonate for the treatment of metabolic
acidosis; as a spermicidal agent; in pessaries for the treatment of
leukorrhea; in infant feeds; and in topical formulations for the
treatment of warts[2].
[1] R.C.罗,P.J.舍斯基,P.J.韦勒.药用辅料手册[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2005,第366页.